Pumpkin Hill Radio: Paranormal Mysteries, Conspiracies, and Unexplained Phenomena
Step into the realm of the unexplained every Tuesday with Pumpkin Hill Radio as we don our tinfoil hats to explore the bizarre, the mysterious, and the downright weird corners of our reality. Our journey into High Strangeness covers:
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Pumpkin Hill Radio: Paranormal Mysteries, Conspiracies, and Unexplained Phenomena
Episode 71: Antarctica’s Hidden Secrets: Ancient Civilizations, Nazi Bases, and Alien Mysteries
Uncover the chilling secrets of Antarctica in this can't-miss episode! From ancient civilizations buried beneath miles of ice to secret Nazi bases and unexplained UFO sightings, we dive into the most mind-blowing theories about the frozen continent. Discover Admiral Byrd's cryptic accounts, the terrifying legend of the Striders—giant prehistoric predators—and the truth behind subglacial pyramids, mysterious tunnels, and alleged portals to other dimensions. Plus, we explore Operation Highjump, alien bases, and the Nazi pursuit of occult technology. Antarctica is weirder than you think—don’t miss this deep dive into the unknown!
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Antarctica mysteries, ancient civilizations Antarctica, Nazi bases Antarctica, UFO sightings Antarctica, pyramids under ice Antarctica, Admiral Byrd secrets, Operation Highjump theories, Hollow Earth Antarctica, alien portals Antarctica, Antarctic Striders, subglacial pyramids, Wilks Land anomaly, Nazi occult research, Antarctic legends, alien technology Antarctica, paranormal Antarctica, conspiracy theories Antarctica
#AntarcticaMysteries #AncientCivilizations #NaziBases #UFOSightings #OperationHighjump #HollowEarth #AdmiralByrd #AlienBases #SubglacialPyramids #ParanormalAntarctica #AntarcticConspiracies #WilksLandAnomaly #StridersAntarctica #OccultResearch #ConspiracyTheories
Join the Cult of the Star Mother
Travis Wyrmwood: Hello. Hello, my notetwo friends, and welcome to a very special edition of Pumpkin Hill Radio. I'm your host, Travis Wormwood, and my lovely cohost, Dawson Trailer, right alongside me as always. What up? It's gonna be a great one today. Every week, on Pumping Hill Radio, we cover,
Travis Wyrmwood: esoteric topics, paranormal mysteries, high strangeness of the high caliber. We find the weirdest stuff from around, and we try to dissect it, try to learn it together.
Travis Wyrmwood: And,
Travis Wyrmwood: you know, we usually lean into the more magical magical side of things, So if you're looking for someone to say yes to something, we are open to We're believers, but we, we're scrutinize ourselves.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. I mean, we're I think that I'm always a skeptic. It's ain't the no nothing show. But I want to believe. Yes. Yes. Foamolder. Foamolder style. Foamolder. Yeah. But welcome, and welcome to the cult of the Sky Mother. You you are joining the cult just by listening. You're signing an audio contract. You can join further the levels of the cult by checking on the Patreon. That's patreon.com/ pumpkin her radio. A lot of great stuff this month. We had our bonus episode. It's actually free to all listeners. If you just go, sign up on our Patreon it's kind of a part 2 to last week's episode. So make sure to check that out. Saw some new people checking it out. So I'm glad to have you over there.
Travis Wyrmwood: Tell your friends about us and rate us. That really helps. And, yeah, I guess send any stories you got, anything you need from us to pumpkinheadradio@gmail
Travis Wyrmwood: com. Any type of website, pumpingherradio.com. You can find all of our links to everything there. Follow us on all the socials. And, yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: What else we got, Doss? I guess we're gonna jump right into horror this week. I don't wanna I don't wanna too much on top. What do you got this horror? Last few episodes have been That's not way heavy on the top stuff. Horror this week,
Travis Wyrmwood: I have some stuff written down, but just off the top, very personal stuff. Yes. I had, like, a crazy panic attack, I told you. Yeah. Yeah. Like, an anxiety not a panic attack. Maybe there's a slight difference there.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. Whatever. At the mall. Freak out. I was at the Apple store in the mall. Little psychotic break happened. Yeah. We were just, like, waiting, and it wasn't even long. It's probably, like, 7 minutes into sitting there.
Travis Wyrmwood: Maybe you're get you, man. And I don't know. And I could feel something, like, coming on to me, and I was, like, I just told I was, like, leaned over to my wife, and I was like, this is horrible. And then I was like, just gotta go to the bathroom. So I I walked to the bathroom,
Travis Wyrmwood: I was, like, totally just feeling heavy and, like, totally, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: I don't know. Like, I don't know what I would've done. It's not like I was, like, gonna throw up or anything. It wasn't like that, but I was just, like, totally
Travis Wyrmwood: totally, like,
5: Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: Feeling of heaviness. And so case of the mall madness. Yeah. Mall madness. And so I went in into Been there. The bathroom. I was at the urinal
6: pissing.
6: Yeah. And sometimes you gotta get those Let's clear that up right away.
Travis Wyrmwood: It wasn't a number 2. Okay? Yeah. Pissing in the I pooping. Yeah. And I was in the corner, and, like, it's like, kinda cement walls.
Travis Wyrmwood: We are on video. So if you wanna watch us, watch me enter I'm making my hand I'm moving my hands around a lot for this You're you're so I'm yeah. I'm so exactly. I'm looking at the corner, and it's all cement. And, like, for one second, I have this psychotic break, and I'm like,
Travis Wyrmwood: this is my cell. I'm, like, just in some kind of, like, loony bin basically. You're in a psych ward. Yeah. What is it? What is it? What is that movie?
Travis Wyrmwood: You know, every time. Shutter Island. Shutter Island. Yeah. Shutter Island. I was moment. A bit of a Shutter Island. I definitely
Travis Wyrmwood: I, like, fully I don't know. I wanna say I don't wanna say fully believe, because I think I was still hanging on to, like, a bit of, like You knew you were in reality, but there's because I was, like, totally straight through. I like I was, like, I was, like, when I turned around,
Travis Wyrmwood: gonna be like a 4 by 6 cement cell. I'm just, like, pissing on the wall. You know, like, walk out and, like, like, a guard's gonna, like Yeah. Like, this is all been a dream. I'm not
Travis Wyrmwood: married. I'm not Yeah. Yeah. The podcast isn't real. Nothing's you know what I mean? You're just in, like,
2: a psychosis kind of catatonic state for Being in a fucking mental state. Yeah. Yeah. Like, whatever Might've just been a metaphor of,
7: the prison state we live in. Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. That Not to get too weird. No. I mean, yeah. We got we got think that might have been part of it. Vibe zone, man. There's been some weird vibe jobs. The prison? There's
Travis Wyrmwood: week. Yeah. Freaky weird shit. Yeah. I'm a feeling it. Heavy. That was the first time I've had an actual And I don't even wanna say it was an actual attack. Was just like I could feel it coming out so strong. I got my wits about me.
Travis Wyrmwood: After pissing. And You gotta ground yourself a little bit. Yeah. I'm here. I'm here with my wife. Are good. Yeah. I'm chilling. I got back to her, and she had, like, already
Travis Wyrmwood: completed the task. So we just, like, walked them off. Hey. Here's horror this week.
2: The mall
Travis Wyrmwood: there was no hot topic and no Spencer's. I literally felt I felt that then. I did them all. I was I was, like, just I don't know. Shopping center or something. I can hear. I can't even speak.
Travis Wyrmwood: I can't even speak. It was it was so
Travis Wyrmwood: it wasn't my mall. I'll tell you. I saw a hot topic on the 16th Street Mall went and got my haircut. I mean, is it? And I walked by one, and I was like, yeah. Nice. They're out there.
Travis Wyrmwood: I just felt so underrepresented. I went there to get, like, like, plugs. I'm not, like, a half inch on my ears, and I was like, I just wanted to get some new plugs, and they just didn't have them. Need to get a new septum. I don't know what to do.
0: Thinking about that lately. I've this is the first
0: the original one I've had, and
Travis Wyrmwood: it's been, like, over a year. Yeah. I yeah. I have my full circle. Circular septum because, I mean,
Travis Wyrmwood: when my I'm not about my wife up top here. Sorry, guys. Yeah. Sorry about that. Maya. Yeah. Yeah. Shut up, Maya.
Travis Wyrmwood: It's a Life of the cats. We we were kissing one time, our nose rings that were, like, that horseshoe. They like, got caught, and then, like, we pulled back, and it was like, oh. I really saw that. Any cool ones No. I don't have any cool earring. I don't have any cool jewelry. Yeah. Also, you wanna know what happened? What? They, no. This is, like, not
Travis Wyrmwood: know. We're gonna talk about the president. This is dumb shit. But the,
Travis Wyrmwood: current president signed the, papers release, like, the files on the JFK assassination and the Martin Luther King stuff.
0: Which is rad.
Travis Wyrmwood: Is something.
Travis Wyrmwood: I'm Yeah. I'm an optimist. So I'm just I'm only gonna take the good Yeah. I'm Any good that happens, let's go. If anybody is choosing, I don't give a shit which side. It's just I don't like to lead into any goddamn politician in my life. Yeah. Yeah. All these monkeys are firebilled on me. Yeah. I mean? But but if they wanna sign away papers that, like because as we were saying, yeah. Like, last week, I'll be just proud of in that way, dude. Yeah. Let's go. Always disclose yourself. If you like, as an American wanna do the, Freedom of Information Act, it's just gonna cost you, like, 100 of 1,000 dollars for the Xeroxing fees. Right?
0: It is it a little bit of just, like, crowd service? Because, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: it's, like, 80 years old now. Yeah. Well, at some point, I I know Well, I got there. He's Don't take anything.
Travis Wyrmwood: There were some initial things released at some point, but we're gonna see more. We'll see what it does I'm fully expecting to just, like, get the documents and just see like, black line after black line redacting everything. But It's like my full yeah. It's like this was lost. We only have this much. Because that's the thing about all these all these Remember that episode of, like, the UFO? Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: You can get them. They're not they're disclosed, but it's, like, specific information in there. They can't.
0: Can, like, give you a paper, but, like, you can't read anything. You can read, like, that the title Mhmm. What it's about. Yeah. Just to blow your mouth. Yeah. Because there's paper on this, Yeah. There's files on it, but, like, these real info,
Travis Wyrmwood: nah. So that was that was gonna be a waste in 40 5 days from a few days ago. So hopefully by the end, like, a month or 2, we might have some more news on that. Let's go, dude. And the only thing we're got some more over this week, but do you have anything? Other than I just had 2
Travis Wyrmwood: migraines this week. Yeah. Everybody Bullshit, dude. Can we give,
Travis Wyrmwood: a a a very Christian style prayer to Dawson and help heal him?
13: Yeah. Please. I don't know why I wanna channel Yahweh specifically for that one. Yeah. I think we're gonna no. Whatever whatever energy you can give me on that because Yeah. Dude, what the hell?
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Dawson's been he couldn't he didn't wasn't able to do much research, so so it shouldn't be It's been broken all week. Yeah.
6: But that's okay. Well, you've just been getting downloads from the ether, and it's just overwhelming. I think the last week, all the Nazi talk and shit, I think just Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: We were I was exhausted. I found another gray mustache hair, white mustache hair. After that, episode. Yeah. Yeah. This has and actually, did we even talk about Come on. What? Talk about what this I've heard no on
Travis Wyrmwood: dude. How do we know when you're getting SAFR We don't know, man. Start to shrivel up. I just get migraines is what it is. Yeah. That's how we know. I don't know if we mentioned what we're doing this episode yet. This is like an overflow episode. So Yeah. Yeah. The Nazi stuff, it end it didn't,
Travis Wyrmwood: where we kinda took it Mhmm. It ended in a Patreon kind of part 2. Yeah. We got Now this is going to be kind of like a side order of stuff with a lot of other information in there about Antarctica, basically, specifically some of their expedition
Travis Wyrmwood: different
Travis Wyrmwood: that has led me into all the other weird stuff about Antarctica. I have the classic strider theory the giant spider type stuff that I'll be talking about a little deeper in the episode once we got you in the hooves. There's a whole rabbit hole of Mhmm. And, like, I like watching the iceberg video on, like, Antarctic cryptids.
10: Great. I thought it was kinda interesting. I don't remember any of it. We're gonna we're gonna dig right to the 8 by the We'll get to it with the Strider's here. Strider, that's my favorite one. Yeah.
10: And, Good picks on that.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. And also just I I have some specific diary entries from the classic Admiral Byrd stuff where he's talking about UFOs and hollow earth entrances down there. Those entrance I have stuff, from Spartan 1, who is,
Travis Wyrmwood: an anonymous, naval admiral that some documentation about this stuff. He talks about some crazy stuff. But, actually, for the for the pumping radio heads out there that stick around last year for the alien,
Travis Wyrmwood: that when I when we were talking about all the different races of aliens. Thought about the blue avian stuff. There's some correlations between some of the things that I was reading there and we'll get into it when we get there, but it's all very exciting. That's just a little tease for what we're doing in the episode because I don't know if it's outside of town. Remember too, like, a a while back, there's, like, a
0: some, like, whistleblower that worked in, like, the deep underground bases in Antarctica and was talking about these, like, These weapons that, like,
13: Basically, basically, earthquake machines. Okay.
10: Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: Well, yeah. I don't I don't yeah. I I yeah. I haven't really done much more research. Well, we have stuff on bases down there. It's gonna be So we can at least assume either. Yeah. Yeah. And we we know about the earthquake weapon the, liquefaction type weapons that would basically create mudflood. These that are gonna vibrate the entire earth at a certain frequency and stuff just kinda sinks into it. Things we couldn't even imagine. Make makes the earth into quicksand. Right? Right? Just Yeah. Just force of it. Before we dig into all that, Dawson, I heard it was Matthew Lillard's birthday soon. I feel like I said that earlier this year.
13: Damn. Wait. Who's Matthew Lillard?
Travis Wyrmwood: Oh, yeah. Jaggy from Scooby Doo. And everything. Yeah. He's I just sat here. I was like, I wanna meet this man. He goes through a lot of horror conventions. Dude, I swear we talked about this. Is it his birthday? Do I just read this?
Travis Wyrmwood: I feel like I didn't do I had I was researching more Antarctica stuff and not so much Matthew Leather birthday stuff. But, hey, just a shout out to him either way. Shout out to him.
Travis Wyrmwood: Best shaggy. Best shaggy. Just best, like, horror he's a horror icon.
Travis Wyrmwood: And Yeah. He's a scream too. With it. Yeah. He's in he's in everything.
Travis Wyrmwood: He's in, like, a Yeah. Musical. But, yeah, scream, basically, about everything. I mean, he's just he's been around for whole lives, right, since we were young since we were younger. He just I know. I was He's trying to fit Dude, where's my car?
12: Yeah. No. That's
Travis Wyrmwood: I don't know. I'm not a match. No. No. It's not. Anyway, we go to enough conventions where I think that we will be able to shake hands with them at some point. I would love for that to happen.
Travis Wyrmwood: I'd I'd be give I'd dab them up. I I'm dabbed jaggy up. Give him, like, a I saw no Suratu.
Travis Wyrmwood: How's that? So I okay. I know we were I know I'm late to the party. No. I talked about it maybe off air. Like, we talked yeah. We did. Last Friday our 2. I guess light spoilers for those going into if you haven't seen it yet, you probably
Travis Wyrmwood: you know, spoilers also don't ruin this kind of movie. If this is a 2 hour, 2 hour plus movie that is, like, all vibe and, like, you know, with like because this is, again, this is a this is a redo of a 19 21 movie, and they stay pretty faithful to, like, the pacing. Who directed it? Uh-oh. That's where that's where the, right. We don't have to look at that. Yeah. Yeah. Well, maybe it was, like, a direct we know. It definitely is someone that we know. I'll look at it. Tell me about it. Yeah. It's,
Travis Wyrmwood: and before we talk about more, I also wanna say we have a friend of the pod, Spencer Moonraker. He wants to come out and talk about Nosferatu sometime because he's a real
2: movie buff. He mentioned that. So we'll maybe do a poll. What up, bro?
Travis Wyrmwood: Like a full breakdown with him sometimes. Vince, if you're listening, what's up? But but Moonraker, it's his nickname. But no.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. Pretty faithful to the original because I did watch that earlier this year. Mean, faithful in the way that it can be. There's tons more scenes. It's like there's lots of CGI stuff. He's like a full monster now. But the pacing is great.
3: Robert Eggers. Robert
Travis Wyrmwood: Eggers. Eggers. Eggers. Eggers. Well, nice. He's he's done other stuff, I'm sure.
Travis Wyrmwood: But the William William Defoe character in this movie, he's like,
Travis Wyrmwood: at one point, we have a student goes to his professor for help on this, and then that professor goes to his even older professor. And Willem Dafoe is the oldest professor.
Travis Wyrmwood: And, he's, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: his home is, like, full of books. Right? And when they go in and, like, pat him on the back, literally, like, dust flies off him. Like, he's, like, just been sitting there researching with, like, no other movement.
Travis Wyrmwood: He says, like, he just says the fucking line that I basically always say, like, about how, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: know, 40 years ago, we were positive witches and werewolves and curses were real and sudden we get a little bit of the science, and it's like none of that's real anymore. Actually, we're so smart. He's like, at once, size. He's fake. The exact Who's fake? The exact I don't know the exact quote, but he's like,
Travis Wyrmwood: darkness. Yeah. And it's like, hell yeah, dude.
Travis Wyrmwood: He's like he he lists off. He's like, Alchemy, mystical philosophy. And the occult. He he just goes, I love, like, the I'm probably gonna use that as an intro at some point. Yeah. That in there.
Travis Wyrmwood: I just love seeing him. I just really vibe with this man, and he did he did a great job.
Travis Wyrmwood: I hope it was good. I'm gonna go see Wolfman soon, which I heard is not what I expected to be, but it's it's still good. I wanna see that too. It looks good. Yeah. We can go together. Frankie.
15: Now Robert Eggers did the W. H. C. From 2015, the light house. Okay. He's got man. He's got basically
2: yeah, the lighthouse good ones. Prime. Very, like, that kind of stuff. Mhmm. Of just, like, I
Travis Wyrmwood: we're getting basically the entire, like, old Universal cast of monsters plus some of the old older monsters like Nosferatu. We got, like It's nice, like, re imaginations of it all. Yeah. We talked about that a little bit last week. So it's enough for that. One more thing before we jump into the meat, and I will have more on this, at some point. But my brother was telling me and he he messaged me a while ago. He found this, like, just strange website, this strange, like, facility up in, like, the mountains of Denver, which is, like, this private club. Right? I don't even have the name of it here, but
Travis Wyrmwood: the the website basically seemed like fake and, like, you kind of apply to be like a cook up there, which I also was speculative about. Mhmm. But it just seemed like a weird
Travis Wyrmwood: is basically no information besides that there's just, like, a it was just another weird
Travis Wyrmwood: unknown, like, building club. Like, they have a bunch of land bought that you can't go on and, like, just weird stuff like that. I will have, like, a sem semi full report on that, my brother mentioned it at the end of me today, and I was like Hell, yeah. Just to put it in the mind, just so I remember. Yeah. Get it in there. Well, let's get into the big show, shall we? Yes.
Travis Wyrmwood: Brock, thanks for getting through that with us, listeners.
Travis Wyrmwood: So basically, yeah, last week's episode of Nazi, Science, and Magic and even, like, all, like, the torture that, like, we had to kinda cover to get that stuff. We usually don't cover stuff, man. We usually don't get that, like, growth with it. But we did we try to stay light on it. But, yeah, there's a lot to off there, and I ended up with a bunch of, like, overflow research that I kinda mentioned right here. Basically, we're learning the Nazis are just real bastards. Real bastards and magically enchanted in trying to figure out stuff that, you know, is best left either in the dark or or worked with in, like, a light sort of way. It might have opened up a whole portal of just evil into the world. They certainly I mean, there's no way they didn't. Alright. I only stopped. They definitely didn't stop either. And I also mentioned psychotronics from, like, the Russian side of, MPAO and their whole, like, countermeasures against our psychic, warfare stuff. Will probably be its own episode or its half an episode because I really just have too much there. On it. But I think it's all to say that we are just gonna kinda be in this, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: mud for a little bit longer.
2: Again, about the end of this,
Travis Wyrmwood: you will be begging for the Bigfoot episode. If I'm gonna try to stay light, again, this is, like, kinda all over. We got some fun stuff here. The striders are a great thing for me to talk about. I guess. Yeah. But the Nazi stuff is still there. So well,
Travis Wyrmwood: where do we where do we start? I guess,
2: Antarctica.
0: Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: What? So
Travis Wyrmwood: don't even I'm not gonna, like,
1: what are you thinking?
Travis Wyrmwood: Mystery mystery. What's, like, the first thing you think of? Like, paranormal side of stuff.
14: Because I have so many. I actually use inner earth portal. Yeah. Excavate ways, pyramids, Nazi thing. Nazi bases.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. I asked people at the bar. Like, I was like Yeah. One word I thought to compare what do you got? Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: Got stuff like pyramids, tunnels. It's a no fly zone. It's a worldwide treaty there.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. Basically kill it if you just go there? Someone had mentioned, like, it basically doesn't exist. Like, for all purposes, like, to, like, someone like us. Like, he just Well, the main islands you can go to, like, as a tourist is called Deception Island. Mhmm. Which You know? And it just kinda looks like a fucking
7: evil evil bitch. Alright. It's like a circle
Travis Wyrmwood: string of island, basically. It's so weird. It is it is weird. There's also stuff like the poles, like, shifting. There's, like, the magnetic stuff going on there, how, like Mhmm. You know, how at one point it probably wasn't covered in ice. We have a lot there's, like, all this stuff. Right. Desert. Somewhat I think you mentioned Antarctica is the right wing of a giant dragon. Yeah. Yeah. South America is the other wing. Yeah. Yeah. Just to, like, throw it all out on the line. Just a world sized dragon. There's, some anomalous gravitational stuff
Travis Wyrmwood: down there based on a possible crater that's, like, 5 times larger than the one that supposedly wiped out the dinosaurs.
Travis Wyrmwood: That's, like, underneath, like, the it's a 3
Travis Wyrmwood: up to, like oh, god. What is the I,
Travis Wyrmwood: how deep is it? In some places, 3 miles thick. These ice sheets over Antarctica. So, like Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what it is. You're looking at this icy plain. It's, like, not even how But you see those, like, flat places with the mountains underneath that. Literally, 1 to 2 to 3 miles beneath that, there is an actual terrain. There is there are there are whole systems and lakes underneath there.
Travis Wyrmwood: That are all just we don't even we haven't we don't have eyes on them. We don't know what the hell is going on there. So I'm gonna tell you some possibilities. Hides everything perfectly. Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: Ice. Also, the fact that, like, you know, when we're talking about ancient civilizations, like, we we continue to cover here, like, one of the prominent places would probably be
Travis Wyrmwood: like, Antarctica before the poles are like, right when it's not covered in ice, it's like that seems to be one of the one of these, like, ancient civilization places. Some people even even say it could just be Atlantis, and it's just like, that's what happened. Like How do we know know? Yeah. Like, you know, the flood happens. It could covers in water. Or, like, it gets it gets sunk into the earth and it gets frozen over. Right? Don't know. Yeah. 3 miles thick, though. Like, even I it was like, Mount Fuji Mount Fuji, like, is underneath it. A lot of, like, just so on I got I'll have a picture that was, like, it was, like, still underneath a whole bunch of it. So you could just have is what?
Travis Wyrmwood: I mean,
0: it's, like, 15,000 feet.
0: At least.
0: I mean We Yeah. Denver is a mile high, and that's 5280.
Travis Wyrmwood: Times that by 3. That's, like, 1600 feet. It's nuts. That's taller than, like, the tallest peak in the US.
Travis Wyrmwood: And that is also and that's also, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: It's crazy. Yeah. When you look at, like, how far off things are, like, how things are, like, distance from, like, the Earth as a whole. Like, sometimes it's, like because Everest, although it's the highest mountain, it's actually the highest, like, up there. Or maybe that's that Maybe out of that backwards. Like, Everest is the tallest, but not like, the, like, longest or whatever because it's, like, higher in the atmosphere. So, like, 3 miles, but I think it's, like, lower, and also it's, like, frozen deeper into the whatever. But that's just to say, like, there's a lot of stuff hidden There.
Travis Wyrmwood: Let's just get let me just get right into it with one of these things. Let's go. Where we at? I have first one. I have the Spark one testimony. Yeah. Okay. I love it. This was
Travis Wyrmwood: Actually, that's some of this he would actually appear on ancient aliens for a while with with his voice or augmented.
Travis Wyrmwood: And and Yeah. Because he wanted to be an artist. Right? But he's a
Travis Wyrmwood: He's a first lieutenant commander of, naval operations and and this was hearing a, quote, unquote, research and reconnaissance mission that was kinda off the book during August of 20 3. That's 2003.
Travis Wyrmwood: Spartan won allegedly oh my god. I'm gonna stop. He's in
Travis Wyrmwood: a been sent to Antarctica as part of a classified military operation. The details of the mission's purpose were unclear,
Travis Wyrmwood: are described as relating to investigating unusual activity beneath the ice. He
Travis Wyrmwood: they get once he's on the ice. Right? And he's with his team, he described finding an entrance to an underground structure underneath the thing. He said some of them were, like, maybe about 18 to 30 feet above the ice coming out of it, and you could tell that this dog, she was, just pushing way below it. Doors below. Yeah. Yeah. Doors
Travis Wyrmwood: or excuse me, the door was 18 feet to 30 feet tall.
Travis Wyrmwood: Oh, yeah. Okay. Classic huge door thing we talk about. And he says when they got up to it, though,
Travis Wyrmwood: there was no resistance to opening. He could tug one finger and just press it open, which we see a lot of in, like, alien tech Yeah. Right? This is some, like, varied Very high band. Yeah. Whether it's some sort of
Travis Wyrmwood: I mean, if it is, like, if this is, like, human tech, this is the same
Travis Wyrmwood: technology that they would use to, like Nice. Move the pier, like, build the pier. This, like Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This, like, sound resonance tech possibly or a way to move there's a way to move this huge object without resistance. Yeah. Yeah. It's really hard to even comprehend, right, if it if it was an earthly thing. Right? Almost magic.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. It But, like, how it would see Opening that, it just wouldn't be possible. Right? But if it yeah. But here we are. Anomalies. The
Travis Wyrmwood: he enters the structure and, spartan one one encounters a corridor
Travis Wyrmwood: of glowing greenish white. Yeah. Okay.
Travis Wyrmwood: Greenish light appears, tons of not only alien x extraterrestrial type subjects, but also with inner earth stuff. I know, it looks like greenish light, but it's the is that from, like, a It's just like doors. It's just resonating from around the room. Right? What is that? What the hell?
Travis Wyrmwood: For our Patreon subscribers, the, the green children of wool that we covered as, I believe, our first Patreon exclusive is a case of,
2: 2 kids that
Travis Wyrmwood: are are found in a field basically in the middle of nowhere, and they they describe coming from a cave that inside it is like, world of twilight Yeah. Yep. Jinx.
Travis Wyrmwood: It's but they are they have, like, green skin and, like, this the light, they said, it's like an ambient greenish color. We also see this kind of ambient light in
Travis Wyrmwood: stuff with the blue avian. Like, these, like, very high tech like, interstellar stuff too. Yeah. It's like and that's the other side of it is
Travis Wyrmwood: that, like, the lighting it's lighting forward in the earth. It's, like, green lighting
Travis Wyrmwood: I guess, is the same stuff that would maybe help give you, like, the same, like, UVs for I don't know. There's, like, there's a there's a reason for it, I see in a lot of different stories, but it is, like, bizarre to just encounter this right here again It seems like Well, it reminds me too of, like, these, like, underground, like, structures that have been found, like,
0: it's like
0: almost like an ant colony, but it's like for humans. Mhmm. And there's no, like, evidence of, like,
0: fire in it. Even if, like, the pyramids, these tunnels, there's, like, no
0: No one was going in there with torches
Travis Wyrmwood: It's like, how do they build that then? How do they make these higher roofs everywhere? Not only torches, not even not only fire for Hawaii, but warmth. There also seems to be there's, like, specific patches in Antarctica They're just strangely warm. All these underground passages. He said it was negative 40 outside. When he goes inside, it's like an envy. It's like a it's like 68, 7 degrees.
Travis Wyrmwood: Like, immediately, just get in there. Intense. That's, again, what you see with this underground stuff. Some sort of regulation, some sort of
Travis Wyrmwood: either I don't know. Some sort of, like, chemical regulate whatever this thing is. Yeah. That's, like,
0: energetic. Just different vibration maybe. I don't know. Who knows?
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. If it is, like, if they're using, like, vibration tech to, like, move stuff, it's like you could
Travis Wyrmwood: vibrate something at a certain Yeah. Like, create, like, a vibration from it. Right? Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. He also said that the walls were adorned with mysterious hieroglyphs. Yeah. We've had similar stories of this They're, like, Egyptian type. Egyptian kind of, but they were unfamiliar
Travis Wyrmwood: said they were unfamiliar to any known ancient human language. Yeah.
3: Yeah.
7: So
7: what Yeah. So they so what?
Travis Wyrmwood: They so this is where he then goes on to talk about like, possible ancient advanced civilizations or, like, ET origin He talks about
Travis Wyrmwood: These structures being buried for possibly 1,000 of years and, like, either just getting uncovered by, like, even, like, Nazi expeditions and stuff prior. Mhmm. And he does even mention, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: inside of it, there was some sort of technology that just seemed like beyond. Like Yeah. He doesn't even mention he doesn't say it's, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: a weapon or, like, some other sword. He just says it's, like they could tell it was tech,
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. But it's like, this is not anything that we could ever
Travis Wyrmwood: what is this thing?
2: Yeah. Yeah. It's like
0: it's like giving a fucking
0: laptop to a monkey.
Travis Wyrmwood: They're gonna be like, what the fuck do I do with this? Yeah. It's not it just doesn't work.
Travis Wyrmwood: There's just I know there's something there's something with this, but I don't know what it does. Let me find my notes on the,
8: specific I've heard that story though.
0: I didn't know it was Spartan 1, but, yeah, it's like
15: just bizarre shit. Yeah. Heard, like, other accounts of that too. Where it's like these people get, like They're they're working in, like, the CIA kinda doing, like, desk job bullshit.
0: And all of a sudden, they get, like, approached. They're like, hey. You wanna
0: you you wanna work in this? And they're like, oh, sure. Mhmm. And they're like, yeah. You're gonna work with, like,
0: reptilians and, like, grays. And they're like, oh, yeah. Good joke.
0: They, like, go down in this, like, underground base, and all of a sudden they're, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: interacting with these things, and then they're working with them. And it's like It's like, well, if you say anything, we're deleting your whole family. What? Yeah. It's like, well,
3: alright. Okay.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. So I have a lot more stories. We're gonna get into the Admiral Byrd story next. That's a very famous one from the forties. Another another
Travis Wyrmwood: In some sort of, armed forces. I don't know what exactly another high ranking officer, I believe, though.
Travis Wyrmwood: Tons of stuff on Admiral. We're gonna an admiral. Admiral Byrd Yeah. As he's as he's called. We're gonna get into that right after this break. This is Pumping the Radio. See you in a sec. That's it.
Travis Wyrmwood: And just usually, I'll take a break, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: after I read all of, like, the, like, tangible stuff, and then it just gets into random random notes. So if I can get, like, the actual stuff out and then do, like, the notes. You know? Yeah. Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: As a note, but just, like yeah. These these good diary entries are good jumping point.
13: Oh, yeah.
10: Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: Wanna be in the bathroom with us in Anubous.
Travis Wyrmwood: Now you've gone the wrong way. Nope.
Travis Wyrmwood: You are a mess.
Travis Wyrmwood: There was a podcast that I was talking about training ads with,
Travis Wyrmwood: just wanna make sure there was an ad space so we can just
Travis Wyrmwood: if they give it to me by tomorrow, I can I can throw it into them?
10: Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: And just, like, throw it into this, the break area?
7: Perfect.
4: Alright.
Travis Wyrmwood: That is this is my little AI bracelet too.
13: Oh, nice, dude.
6: Like Chad was kinda talking about.
6: Ongoing inspiration of making spirits. He's running into it to care.
6: Yeah. Give me a nice little break then, man. Hell, yeah, dude.
14: Sweet. Again,
9: Yeah. Got a pretty solid newbie. So you good?
3: No.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. I, I just gotta I wanted to take a time to look through the notes again. I just said I have this Amber thing that I have a bunch of others. I just wanna see where I should take it next after that quick.
3: Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: It's literally that green light comes up in every fucking story.
Travis Wyrmwood: Like a green or, like, blue light like that.
2: So
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. Just like constant Even with the shaws and all that, Yeah. I know. I like kind of what it's trying to get them off, but it's like
Travis Wyrmwood: 15 minutes talking about animal bird and shit. Maybe we can grab them for Patreon thing.
14: Alright.
Travis Wyrmwood: Oh, yeah. Okay. I got a bunch of old maps to talk about too.
6: Oh, shit. Oh, let's
Travis Wyrmwood: Sweet. Alright. We have this and then
Travis Wyrmwood: Where do I find the next part?
Travis Wyrmwood: Alright. Yeah. We're good. We're go from this into
Travis Wyrmwood: old maps into Striders, I think.
7: Sweet.
Travis Wyrmwood: Alright. And we're back with Pumping Hill Radio. Yeah. Break. Who knows how long that was for y'all?
Travis Wyrmwood: Probably not that long, though. What's going on? We just got an nice reset. We're gonna talk about admiral bird doing our, little antarctica study here.
Travis Wyrmwood: First story about, Spartan 1. Very interest that green light stuff is still, like, mesmerizing me. It does just show up in, like, every
Travis Wyrmwood: every account that I've, like not every, but very many accounts from from different sources about, like Some sort of weird dream blue
Travis Wyrmwood: As far as, like ambient light. Yeah. As far as, like, underground tunnel stuff, I don't know Just hey. If you're ever, like, out there caving listeners, make sure to look for green light. Yeah. If you find green light. Yeah. So I just have I just have this, extended flight log from Admiral Byrd from, February 19, 1947. Hell, yeah.
2: So this is all in military time.
Travis Wyrmwood: 0 600 hours. Engine functioning normally. All preparations complete for our reconnaissance flight.
Travis Wyrmwood: Weather reports show favorable conditions for flight.
Travis Wyrmwood: 0 800 hours taking off from base.
2: Visible visibility is excellent.
Travis Wyrmwood: 9:15,
Travis Wyrmwood: Both magnetic and gyroscopic compasses
Travis Wyrmwood: beginning to gyrate and wobble. We are unable to hold our heading by instrumentation. Taking bearing with sun comp
Travis Wyrmwood: taking bearing with the sun compass
Travis Wyrmwood: it all seems well as we are on course.
Travis Wyrmwood: Right now, it even seems like
Travis Wyrmwood: the systems are like he just use, like, an old style, like, comp like, sun company. Thing because Yeah. Yeah. Because there's, like, some weird stuff going on. At 10,
Travis Wyrmwood: we are picking up speed abnormally. The controls are responding very sluggishly. Radio control
Travis Wyrmwood: Please take note of excessive magnetic disturbance affecting our instruments.
Travis Wyrmwood: 10:15.
Travis Wyrmwood: I announce radio silence from this point forward except for emergency emergency transmissions.
Travis Wyrmwood: 10:30.
Travis Wyrmwood: The landscape below is different from anything we have seen.
Travis Wyrmwood: The ice and snow is disappearing with each passing moment.
Travis Wyrmwood: The terrain appears more barren like a brown gray desert.
10: Okay.
8: Doesn't sound like what I I'm told about. I don't Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: After this, we will get into some old maps and stuff that show Antarctica without ice. But this is just it's just so weird. And like we said, it's, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: for all all real purposes, Antarctica is, like, not a place that we could that you can really get to. Or, like, you know, they'll take you to parts of it.
Travis Wyrmwood: Deception. Right. Yeah. They'll take you to child island. Yeah. They'll take you to parts of it. Right? Or yes. Kind of, like how much you wanna trust that? Trade. So, yeah, some old fucking houses. Not not great. Stuff. I wouldn't I am you can try to be, like, a researcher and go down there, but, again, I I I think you were only allowed to go to certain points. Right. It's a limited hangout on think they said. 10:45. Air temperature indicators shows significant increase in temperature.
Travis Wyrmwood: This is impossible. The needle is showing 74 degrees Fahrenheit.
Travis Wyrmwood: Continuing our heading while observing the terrain.
7: That's crazy.
Travis Wyrmwood: 11:15. The air instruments are now behaving normally. However, what we are seeing is also impossible. There is green vegetation below. There are forests on the mountain side. Our navigation instruments indicate we are still on course, yet landscape we observe cannot be reconciled with our position.
Travis Wyrmwood: 11:30.
Travis Wyrmwood: In the valley below, we notice what appears to be animals.
Travis Wyrmwood: Through the slight haze, they appear to be similar to mammoth,
2: It's incredible. Okay.
Travis Wyrmwood: It's like a seems like a valley of, like, untouched
Travis Wyrmwood: fucking ice age monsters.
0: Land before time. 11:45.
Travis Wyrmwood: We are making a sweep back over the valley to make a better observation.
Travis Wyrmwood: Animals seem to scatter under the trees. I am making a detailed note of this. Navigation instruments still fine.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. We yet we know not where we are.
Travis Wyrmwood: Again, this is an an admiral like, very well recognized. You got did tons of interviews after this. Never never change stories on this. This is all just this is something he saw. Like, to No. No. No. To his eyes,
Travis Wyrmwood: whatever the case is, this this has happened to him. Whether this was all some kinda, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: I don't know. Like Whatever it is. Yeah. Right. Yeah. We can we can have more discussion when I'm done, but this is just like I'm just saying, like, these are this
2: a high ranking professional. Mhmm.
6: 12.
2: We have spotted what appears to be a habit
Travis Wyrmwood: a habitation ahead. It appears to be a city, but this is impossible, yet there it is.
Travis Wyrmwood: 12:30, redacted section in most yeah. Redacted section.
Travis Wyrmwood: This is, like but I have what I have done here is actually grab, like, as many that's few different versions, quote, unquote, on this diary entry going on. They're all basically the same, but I kinda grabbed the most complete version. So
Travis Wyrmwood: this is still all redacted. 12:45, we are returning the base. The observations are beyond explanation. I must get word to redacted.
7: So who's that?
Travis Wyrmwood: What's that? There's also a debriefing statement that, so that's, like, basically, the journey. Right? It's a journal that he this is, like, like this is like an account he wrote. It's not like extremely detailed. It's just, like I mean, he gets into more stuff, but
Travis Wyrmwood: far as what the actual, like, at the time when he was riding, because he was also, like, trying to observe it and, like, fly the So, basically, yeah, he
0: he's flying over Antarctica, discovers this, like, bizarre mystery land. Yeah.
11: Yeah.
3: Which
Travis Wyrmwood: So here's a debriefing statement that was,
Travis Wyrmwood: from March of the same year, 1947.
Travis Wyrmwood: He said. The most disturbing encounter occurred approximately 27 flight hours into the crew and I observed aircraft that defied
Travis Wyrmwood: all known principles of aeronautics. They appeared with warning and surrounded our aircraft.
Travis Wyrmwood: They were disc shaped, metallic in appearance, and move in ways that should be impossible.
0: Yeah. Sounds familiar. He said impossible somewhere. He's just getting his mind
Travis Wyrmwood: blown, which for good reason. Makes sense. Seeing shit
Travis Wyrmwood: don't make sense. Mhmm. So Heard that. Now this is saying that only is this, like, Atlanta for time, basically, but also there's, like, UFO as a UFO, UAP presence here. Here. Yeah. Some sort of interest. Definitely technology. Dig into that too.
Travis Wyrmwood: The city. But he wasn't done there. He said, these crafts seem to emerge from the very air it itself, demonstrating speed and maneuverability that made our most advanced air aircraft appear primitive in comparison.
Travis Wyrmwood: They maintain perfect formation around us for roughly 15 minutes before disappearing as suddenly as they appeared.
Travis Wyrmwood: I must say clearly and urgently that these vehicles demonstrate technology far beyond anything currently known to us.
Travis Wyrmwood: They appear to operate under intelligent control Yes. Show no visible means of propulsion.
Travis Wyrmwood: Furthermore, the discoveries made concerning the landmass beyond the pole cannot revealed to the public section.
Travis Wyrmwood: The reality of what we encountered threatens to the disabled our entire understanding of redacted
Travis Wyrmwood: I strongly recommend immediate action. Redacted.
Travis Wyrmwood: Before others make similar discoveries.
Travis Wyrmwood: Okay. So
Travis Wyrmwood: what the fuck? Yeah. Yeah. So,
Travis Wyrmwood: what did you see Tons of extremely bold claims there. The redacted is, like, because it's rare at, like, the
3: You know whatever he's talking about is
Travis Wyrmwood: awesome. Yeah. And this is, like so there's, like, tons of controversy on this. Obviously, Yeah. Yeah. But I also just, like, believe it. I guess there's a part of I mean, there's something happened to him. Like, this is where it's, like, okay. He witnessed something. He
Travis Wyrmwood: if you wanna, like, go if we wanna keep Antarctica icy and say that it's not any kind of, like, land on there at all,
Travis Wyrmwood: What I would say is maybe
Travis Wyrmwood: k, he sees these UFOs, these aircrafts, whatever he's Yeah. These things in the air around him, maintaining his permit formation.
Travis Wyrmwood: And, like, maybe they are, like, hitting the whole ship with, like, some kinda psychic, like, resonance that is, like, making him see this or, like, something, like, or, like, showing or, like, yes. Maybe he's like some sort of, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: Time. Time. Time. Portal thing. Maybe he, like, hit, like, a vortex like that or just straight up, like, again, like, the UFO. If there if there's somebody who's, like, driving, like, an it like, if there's something, like, shooting him with, like, something that's just letting him
Travis Wyrmwood: say shooting is, like, a resonance that is, like, being
Travis Wyrmwood: put upon the whole ship, like Yeah. Projected over Projecting, like, a different time? Is it like unveiling? Is it, like, peeling back time? Are they actually back there?
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. I guess it almost does seem like maybe he hits, like, a time portal.
14: Yeah.
3: Of some. I've heard I've heard similar things people flying through, like, the Bermuda Triangle. Yeah.
0: They're, like, in a tube Mhmm. Eventually, and then all of a sudden, they're, like, seeing this, like,
0: these other lands. Like, shit doesn't even make sense. Yeah. They lose time. Like,
0: Whatever. Whatever.
0: That even means.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. There's actually that's like a twilight zone episode that vaguely resembles this that I believe,
Travis Wyrmwood: Rod Sterling, like, took from that.
Travis Wyrmwood: It's like it's like a commercial air flight, but they, like, they basically hit a thing and they, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: look at the windows all the time. It's like dinosaurs and shit. Yeah. So it's not the exact same, but yeah. So, again, like, what are we looking at here? Is this
Travis Wyrmwood: I guess it's like this is where it points to k, this is 47. This is directly after, like, the defeat of, like, the Nazi party in that way. They're definitely still Nazis in Argentina as we went over and different place
Travis Wyrmwood: There's, like, there's theories of, like, Nazi military base
Travis Wyrmwood: Antarctica and all that. Well, there was if I can pull up here too. Right?
Travis Wyrmwood: Yes. There is Nazi vet expeditions down to,
Travis Wyrmwood: yes, Antarctica. That was
Travis Wyrmwood: from 1938 to 1939.
Travis Wyrmwood: Deutsche
Travis Wyrmwood: the Deutsch Antarctic expedition or the German Antarctic expedition was led by Alfred Richter,
Travis Wyrmwood: aboard the MS Schwab in land. There was,
Travis Wyrmwood: it stated the purpose was to establish a whaling station and claim territory for the Nazis. The claimed territory was then named New Swabia,
Travis Wyrmwood: and,
Travis Wyrmwood: so this is, they used to 2 different, Dornier, Doj2,
Travis Wyrmwood: seaplanes for aerial surveys and took over 11,000 aerial photographs of the region, and they planted Nazi flags all over the fucker.
Travis Wyrmwood: And then and so I I I'd be surprised if people got all of them. Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: The expedition was very well equipped for some reason. For just like a simple whaling mission.
Travis Wyrmwood: Mhmm. Which also like that's that's a bad cover. Whaling don't know. I mean, I know they I know that's, like, still popular in places, but it's, like, that's where you're going with.
Travis Wyrmwood: I just don't think that's really You're going to Antarctica for it? There's so many other places. Some of the and even the personnel,
3: Mhmm.
Travis Wyrmwood: They just seemed, like, excessive to what they were doing. Again, it's just like, why are bringing these people? Why are you bringing these instruments? They're bringing weapons and shit. Yeah. Yeah. Like, why are you bringing a fucking gun? Military, dude. Why are you bringing a single gun?
Travis Wyrmwood: Like, I guess, like, it's a nazis, so but they're shitty. So they're wanna you're probably gonna end up killing each other, but, like Cool. It's like Anyone that's stopping Yeah. Or like Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: Also, why why is it like a military thing? A lot of the expedition records, remain classified or, like, quote, unquote, missing.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. And,
Travis Wyrmwood: they also returned to Germany, like, ahead of schedule, which is just goofy. And then, some of the crew members were then reassigned to highly classified projects afterwards. So they were immediately taken up to high ranks, high echelons of
Travis Wyrmwood: You know, leadership or at least, like, understanding. You know? Secret.
Travis Wyrmwood: Necessarily a leader, but you're yeah. You get into this part of where it's like, you can't you can't be a leader because you can't be known to the public. Yeah. Yeah. You know? Like, you need to be able you need to be able to retain this information. Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: Again, that was that was 10 years before Edmar Byrd went there. This is,
Travis Wyrmwood: again, at that same time, there was operation high jump. We've all but that was from 46 to 47. That was a very large US military expedition to Antarctica.
Travis Wyrmwood: And it was, again, like, very large.
11: And,
Travis Wyrmwood: said to be for a peaceful scientific mission. But, again, there's, like, guns involved in stuff. This is where Admiral Byrd's
Travis Wyrmwood: this is where all my brother comes in. Mhmm. Bird Admiral Bird comes in. Excuse me. He's a part of this, like, quarter unquote, peaceful pride. Like, okay. Admiral Bird is going down there.
11: To
Travis Wyrmwood: set up, yeah, like, a military base
Travis Wyrmwood: He has no reason to, like, somehow
Travis Wyrmwood: I guess, make that I don't know. But there's no there's no, like, like, it just seems like it came out of the blue. He doesn't have, like, a history of it, but there's not it sounds like he like, a bunch of, like, books written Yeah. In his prior that are, like, all this stuff.
11: You know?
11: And then we
Travis Wyrmwood: before we get into the striders, which is probably, like, probably a good end on this thing because it's just like I guess that's the weird way nuts, monsters, and stuff. But I will, if I can just find it here. I did take some notes on,
11: oh, where is it? Base,
11: let's see. Let me get all those pictures.
Travis Wyrmwood: Oh, that's for the Strider stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. One sec here.
Travis Wyrmwood: I just I have some stuff on,
Travis Wyrmwood: just the maps. Talk like old maps stuff. Like, how old maps is depicted
Travis Wyrmwood: things that seem like they shouldn't be there.
11: Yeah. The things that
0: there's, like, the the North Pole too has, like, some interesting old maps. Of, like, these other lands and, like,
0: kingdoms and shit.
0: That's like, well,
0: okay. Maybe maybe that's just wrong, but also
3: It's When, like, enough people are like that, it's like, are they wrong?
0: There's enough different ones from different cultures. It's like,
0: Are they just wrong, or is it, like or is there something going on?
0: What happened? Why did it all turn to ice?
Travis Wyrmwood: Well, okay. Basically, I'd there's a few Yeah. There's there's so there's cross collaboration and, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: cross pollination, like, maps. Right? They they specifically try to gather from other sources so they, like like, have it down. They startographers, especially in the old don't have satellites and all this stuff, which you know what I mean? We're
0: Which even with that, there's, like,
0: I mean, we've probably all seen the, like, Google Earth pictures of, like, weird and stuff, and
0: in Antarctica. Yeah. They're not showing us everything.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. Okay. I got 2 different computers on me right now. Here's where here's where I can speak on this a little bit.
Travis Wyrmwood: This is in, 1929, Gustav Desmond is a cart he's cataloging items in Istanbul. Right? Okay. And he comes across he has this he finds his paper.
Travis Wyrmwood: The parchment, this thing with a map on it Yeah. That apparently was found
Travis Wyrmwood: in Antarctica.
Travis Wyrmwood: Am I
Travis Wyrmwood: they just found this map. Okay? And he's like,
Travis Wyrmwood: this is actually,
Travis Wyrmwood: gazelle skin.
11: Is printed on.
Travis Wyrmwood: Was a map on this, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: old gazelle skin that's, like, taken from Antarctica. Why is Antarctica? Why is it there?
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. That's exactly what I'm that they're all we're we're all wondering. It was,
Travis Wyrmwood: It was then rejrawn and signed by the Turkish
Travis Wyrmwood: Turkish cartag by this Turkish cartagherer. No. Excuse me. That's a different one. That's the second map we're gonna talk about. But there's there's a map on it.
11: Basically,
Travis Wyrmwood: the same guy then goes on to hypothesize about, like, ancient civilizations, like, preademic civilizations that
11: would have
Travis Wyrmwood: some sort of
Travis Wyrmwood: at least spiritual technology that would vastly outdate or do us, you know, so they could somebody that could map the scene. Again, this map Yeah.
11: Shows Antarctica.
5: Yep. 80,
11: very
Travis Wyrmwood: 300 years. Antarctica was officially discovered in, like, the 1800.
Travis Wyrmwood: Like, late like, I think it was, like, 17 something, which when it was when it was picked up. Alright? But so this map has Antarctica on it. It had it shows Antarctica.
Travis Wyrmwood: With, like, a shoreline.
3: Weird.
Travis Wyrmwood: Because usually it's just ice. It's like a wall. Yeah. It shows Antarctica with a shoreline. And we got this is from this would be have been, like, found.
Travis Wyrmwood: Right? And he's this guy that's just cataloging it. Right? Yeah. But this is something that was apparently then
3: yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: Seems like if it was from, like, an old
Travis Wyrmwood: old civilization, then it was, like, just, like, from before
Travis Wyrmwood: And excuse me on that. I actually don't know if they found it in Antarctica. I don't think they I think it was found somewhere else, but it was, like, depicting this. Right? But yeah. It's an old old map that, like It has my badge for not having that. And I was gone. Yeah. Next, we have
Travis Wyrmwood: was,
Travis Wyrmwood: this was drawn and signed by Turkish cartographer and admiral
Travis Wyrmwood: And an admiral in the Turkish Navy, his name was Pierre Rees Ritzi. In 15 13. Again, this is 300 years before Yeah. Antarctica is found. And, again,
Travis Wyrmwood: there's Antarctica on it. And not only that, but this is, like, a map that was cross referenced by many other maps with many other cartographers at the time. A different like,
Travis Wyrmwood: like, Portuguese, Arabia, these from everywhere. Like, these cartographers are collaborating to this to make this thing, and yet it shows up there. Right? Yeah. 300 years before it's shown. And, yes, again, with a coastline. Right? It's it's this, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: it's this, like, prehistory civilization. That knew how to navigate the seas that, like, had this technology this Lumeria, this Atlantis type thing. Yeah. Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: Lastly, for maps, we have something called the Boesch map, the Boesch map. Yeah. This is, from Phyllis Philip
Travis Wyrmwood: And write the name right. 17/37.
11: He's,
Travis Wyrmwood: he's a French cartographer again. Mhmm. And that also depicts
Travis Wyrmwood: Antarctica. Yeah. It's fucking free of ice. Yeah. Yeah. And the thing about this one is it's actually 2 versions of the map.
Travis Wyrmwood: At some point. It came out. There's one that seemed to come out
Travis Wyrmwood: in,
Travis Wyrmwood: Oh, god. 17 like, 31, I believe.
Travis Wyrmwood: And then there was another copy that came out in, like, 1739. And
Travis Wyrmwood: one of them doesn't hand have Antarctica on it. And I believe it's the later one that came out that does not It's no longer showing it. And so people will say this was, like, falsified. It was just, like, thrown in there. You know? So maybe it was just, like, drawing random stuff. Making stuff. Just talking about weird maps, though. Like, what the hell is all that? Are you also see there's also old maps where it shows not only Antarctica,
Travis Wyrmwood: having, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: no ice on it, but also shows, like, lake specific and river systems, which are there,
Travis Wyrmwood: They're just underneath 3 miles of ice.
3: Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: So what? Yeah. So what? So,
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. I don't know. Like and that's again, like so
Travis Wyrmwood: I guess we can take it to where So Antarctica is basically the perfect place for, like, hiding
Travis Wyrmwood: Like, hidden hidden artifacts. That's the other thing. It's like Hidden civilization. I think like and we I don't know if we'll actually get into the, like, the Nazi artifacts on this episode, but, like Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: But they were
Travis Wyrmwood: Hitler was and Himmler was actually even more
Travis Wyrmwood: he was
Travis Wyrmwood: insane about trying to find these, like, religious artifacts from, like, always different religions. Right?
Travis Wyrmwood: So Dollar doing these expeditions down to
Travis Wyrmwood: down to Antarctica. They're even coming back early because it's like Yeah. What did they find? You know, Admiral, or no,
Travis Wyrmwood: this guy in 2003,
Travis Wyrmwood: he goes there and it's like It's like there's a doorway to this weird stuff. Yeah. Like, what
13: what what did they find? What's
13: what did they find? What are they hiding?
13: Mhmm. What do they what do they find they can't
0: tell anybody about?
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. What the heck? Like, is it did did they find, like, UAP information there? Did they find is there, like, a hole to, like, the hollow earth? You see pictures where it's, like, is this a gap there? Like, it's like Blocked out, blurred out. Like,
Travis Wyrmwood: It also gets, like, Google bombed where it's there's
11: thousands of, like, fake pictures of, like,
11: structures coming out of the eyes and anti our deput. But there's also some
Travis Wyrmwood: real ones, it seems like. Not even the pyramid looking That's the other thing is, like, not even touch on, like, the pyramid that
Travis Wyrmwood: has been, like, to death said by, like, by scientists, like, mainstream scientists say to death that, like, it's just a natural geology Yeah. Geogrape model. Like, it's just it's just the way that it got pushed up. I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not, though. Like, it's I saw a lot of pyramids
Travis Wyrmwood: we're seeing as, like, oh, it's just like a mountain. Yes. Because a lot of especially, South American pyramids actually were covered up on purpose in, like, dirt. And then, like, you can see there there nowadays, you can scan underneath the tree. Like, the canopies in this stuff, they're seeing so many more of these, like, step style pyramids and they just packed dirt on it, and then trees and shit grow on it. Like, they're, like, fully hiding them. Over Yeah. We know they did that. So it's like to say that the structure that now looks sort of natural but also very pyramidic, couldn't have been made and then covered up in the same Yeah. Yeah. And the same for even the same reasons why. It could have been part of the same larger culture that at the time. Yeah. Something that, like, it it ruled the Earth based. They And that's not even
Travis Wyrmwood: to touch on, like, ice wall shape, guys. And, like, there's a way where we could've done this where
Travis Wyrmwood: we went full, like, flat earth, crazy, insane person on your ad. And I'm not gonna do that to anybody because I'm not really in that boat. Yeah. But there's, like It's just another that's just another part of it. Go down. And, like, as far as, like, ice wall stuff or even just, like, it all the part that I will, like, agree on is, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: either hidden structures or landmasses on Earth.
Travis Wyrmwood: They wouldn't have to be behind a fucking ice wall, but it's like
Travis Wyrmwood: again The land's beyond. How many people are, like, getting in a boat and just sailing into the ocean? Be like, I'm gonna find something. It's like, no. You trust that what is on the map is what's on the map.
Travis Wyrmwood: And that we know that we know for security reasons there's specific islands of the US will not show on maps because it's like that's where they keep some specific bases and stuff. It's like you like, they have control on that. Like, they can talk to Google and be like, hey. Can you just erase that? I bet right there. It's classified This is redacted. This landmass, that's redacted. And then I'll you know, getting a little more further from, like, Antarctica, but just ancient land masses. Like, the the world was shaped differently back then, like, throughout history, like, the like, as it goes, like, as through thousands and millions of years past, things just change. These movements There's, like climate's changed. There's, like, specific, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: hidden mountain ranges between,
Travis Wyrmwood: like, on the Hawaii side. It's like kind of out near Hawaii where it's like if you've drained it a little, bit, you end up with, like, a whole continent. It's like, is it what is this? It's just area got you know, it's a little further. But it's just as far as losing continents, losing entire civilizations, it's like, that shit happens. Especially if you talk about magnetic pulse pulse shifting, which is theorized to happen very fucking fast. It's like that's when people are, like, get scared about that chipping. Is it, like, like, when bike fall volcanic eruptions, like, if big enough happens, it just clouds the sky to create Yeah. 9 day. Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: But Common say it, like, the earth wasn't tilted a little differently. And then, like, it goes. It shifts. Maybe part of this mass thing maybe it was done on purpose. Maybe it happened just naturally. Like, it seems like sometimes it does that. Yeah. But, like, is it is it all part of this, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: this, like, FOD method all kinda happens at the same time? Like, there are there are ways to hide entire civilizations. There are ways to bury
13: mean, it's
0: underground. Yes. There's so much that's just been underground buried.
0: And we're, like, still just discovering a lot of it. And it it it just pushes everything further and further back.
0: As far as, like, how
Travis Wyrmwood: how early we thought, like, humans were around Yeah. I mean, people like, Graham Hancock. I got the book over there that Justin gave to me. Yeah. It is. Jade Justin. Jason. Jason. Yeah. Jason. No.
Travis Wyrmwood: Oh, this is embarrassing. Yeah. I've no. I can't remember who gave it to me. Yeah. Yeah. But I just I I got it from somebody, and
Travis Wyrmwood: it's it's, he he has a couple Graham Hancock has a couple, on Netflix too. I have the ancient civilization stuff. Very interesting.
Travis Wyrmwood: I haven't even watched all of them because I I don't want I kinda wanna be able to, like,
11: come to my own
Travis Wyrmwood: things before I watch that and see. But it is It's pretty interesting stuff though. It's very, like,
0: because we've, like, done, like, the, like, old world, like, to Tarahara and all that. And, like,
0: it's, like, surface it's, like,
0: your first step into that world, basically. Like,
13: you watch that stuff, you're like, oh, okay. So there's definitely, like,
0: some sort of, like, ancient
0: advanced or at least even just ancient civilizations that been, like, lost completely. Yes. And we're just kinda, like, just getting to the beginning of it all. And
0: like,
0: we just have no idea what's that, Arka. Yeah. Because, like, there was a time when, like, the desert, which is all the sand dunes and sand and, like,
0: it's so
0: so little of it's been explored,
0: they've they've found, like, whale bones and stuff. And there's, like, evidence that it was a jungle. It was a rich forest at some point.
Travis Wyrmwood: Like, the like, who knows the middle of America have the fact like, Saul I say, that was an old ocean. Yeah. Like, when the ocean, like Geography changes. And if, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: and if the time frame don't make sense to you, it's like,
Travis Wyrmwood: well We're talking like
Travis Wyrmwood: 30,000. This could yeah. 100,000 users. Yeah. And, like, prior to that, it's, like, things can rise up and then
Travis Wyrmwood: extinct themselves without any leaving its race. I mean or, like, that this wasn't the right conditions. Or the conditions just changed rapidly because of
0: a comet or Mhmm.
0: Some other fucking natural disaster Which is gonna lead me in
Travis Wyrmwood: the striders. Oh, yeah. That's If you made it this far, just hold on with me.
Travis Wyrmwood: We're gonna talk about these things. Here's
Travis Wyrmwood: an image for y'all.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. Let's This is okay. That's just a bad one. I these are all the blurriest things ever. Classic blurry photographic
Travis Wyrmwood: evidence. Here's what
Travis Wyrmwood: a strider might be. So whatever this is. So
Travis Wyrmwood: let's talk about the goddamn Striders. John tick over here. Now
Travis Wyrmwood: This information I got is from various sources. I'll, like, confit just all, like, it's all over the web, over just, like Yeah. Yeah. You know, just, like, passed down knowledge even. Everybody knows that there okay. So there are creatures in Antarctica. Right? There's Yep. And and they mostly are all fucking giant because of this. There's a basalts like antise, and there's also like, Arctic,
Travis Wyrmwood: Gigantism. Right? We're gonna talk about okay. So we everybody sees that thing.
Travis Wyrmwood: To the listener to see blurriest possible picture of, it looks it's very far away, but it looks like
0: Some of my legs crawl around.
Travis Wyrmwood: Weird multi leg. Maybe that's like a mavith style thing. So man. I'm talking about an Apex Predator of the ancient world. Yeah. This is a spider like creature
Travis Wyrmwood: so large that it would hunt dinosaurs.
2: This is a creature that
Travis Wyrmwood: burrowed and possibly eventually created some of the tunnels that some of these preademic civilizations were have used to migrate underground during these floods and things based on
Travis Wyrmwood: because, like, I mean, there's even just, like, burrowing spiders today, like, if we're looking at, like, any resemblance to anything, they don't really have to resemble spiders at all right now, but
Travis Wyrmwood: as they the act of, like, digging to, like, survive, the act of creating the large tunnels,
0: you think too, just, like,
0: if you're an alien species and you come to Earth, it's like, you're you're living on the surface.
7: What are you doing? Mhmm.
3: Yeah. You're just you're just I would be open just exposed to, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: all the shit flying through space that's gonna fucking crash in And I didn't even yeah. You're right. You're like, you guys are just come on. Get in there. Get in there. Gonna get hurt. Get out of there. Yeah.
11: Gotta be able to survive these extinctions. Right? Yeah. You guys gotta start tunneling.
Travis Wyrmwood: So and maybe, yeah, maybe this is, like, an alien. Maybe this is just, like, a super predator that just got lost to the history books. Because first off, we have, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: the fossils we do have are very small segments. They have much larger populations of animals. It's like the the things that have to happen to make a fossil are so precise. If there's 3 miles of ice over Antarctica too, it's like, we then we can't
0: get
Travis Wyrmwood: to them. Well, all any any especially okay. Because this is this is where we're going to be, like, saying saying, in these old dinosaur days, Antarctica was not frozen over. This was Yeah. Was still part of a supercom continent, specifically the Gondwana supercontinent. This is literally, we're in the Cretaceous period right now. It's how far back we're going. Did this talk about how things can there and then get erased. Okay? Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: It's much warmer and ice free at least back then. I Some parts are still not. It sounds like if you get into any of those underground bases there, it's just a pretty pretty chill, pretty nice and warm, pretty good for you. These would have evolved
Travis Wyrmwood: from possibly marine anthropods gradually adapting to, like, a semi aquatic and then a fully terrestrial lifestyle, And then and then after that, even, like, a subterranean lifestyle. There are currently, like, still to this day, giant
Travis Wyrmwood: sea spiders in the waters of Antarctica. Yeah. These things have
11: these things are enormous.
Travis Wyrmwood: I don't know if I have the exact stats here. I have them somewhere. They
11: they have
Travis Wyrmwood: someone could have, like, 8 to 10 legs as well, but they have their their legs are so large, and their bodies are so small in comparison some of their organs are actually, like, in their legs. Like, this is just weird creature that is,
11: they have, like, the actual
5: well, okay.
Travis Wyrmwood: So these I'm just saying, like, the adaptation of things and, like, how even today we have a version of this thing. And if it's just if this was an apex creature or at least, like, a predator creature that was living in this lush version of Antarctica, like, hunting on the land,
Travis Wyrmwood: fully outside of the water at this point, but huge, just like all insects were. But this thing would be
Travis Wyrmwood: ginormous. Yeah. Fucking giant huge. Terrifying.
Travis Wyrmwood: It would
Travis Wyrmwood: it would be haunting these things, but then yeah. As, like, as different extensions happen, it's, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: As, like, meteor's head or stuff like that, if it's already has the idea to be digging, maybe it's digging further in, maybe it's finding and puts a home for itself. Dormant. Starting to live down It's creating the tunnels again.
3: I don't know. Thing if if it's big enough, it's lifespan. It's probably a lot bigger.
Travis Wyrmwood: They might just go down there and lie dormant to, like, earth is, like, happening. Yes. These the spiders
Travis Wyrmwood: they have even, like, the current ones that we, like, the real like, the ones that are, like, still, like, size of dinner plates. Bigger than that. They have
Travis Wyrmwood: mean, they're like if you had, like, from arm to arm, they're like as big as a human. Right? They're like they're like 4 fucking feet. Like, you know, small human. But even the ones that wait that have worked, like, you can just see them. Right?
Travis Wyrmwood: Hey,
Travis Wyrmwood: these things don't fossilize. They don't leave traces very often. Like, they don't fossilize if there was a larger version of it, you wouldn't be able to Like, I feel like we've talked about it before where it's like
0: for something to fossilize like that, conditions have to be so right for that. Mhmm. And it's like die and judge the right spot and just the right climate.
0: For it to, like,
0: get buried into, like, mud and shit.
Travis Wyrmwood: And then Like, preserved in that. And even then, it's, like, then I'll, like, everything freezes over or the ice comes in. It just grinds everything down. It's completely So you just can't find anything. There's
Travis Wyrmwood: and, again, there's still these, like, subterranean lakes and things in there where it's like, maybe it's still down there the bottom Mhmm. And it just rarely comes up. Because this is actually
Travis Wyrmwood: it would be being a predator would have, like, very large stands of,
Travis Wyrmwood: territory. Right? Yeah. Yeah. And so, like Especially that size It's like there's parts of Antarctica that researchers are told that you just cannot go.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. And that's, like, possibly why is is this part of the territory? Like, you're gonna draw it out. You're gonna it's gonna fuck with you. Awaken it. It's why, like, on some of these research missions, when they go through of these territories to find things, they have, like, armed guards and stuff on them.
Travis Wyrmwood: To be safe. By the way, I didn't say the exact size of these striders. It I was seeing reports from, like,
11: up to, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: 30 to 40 feet, like like, 7 stories. Fucking building. Yeah. The size of a building. So this is just like a a building size thing. Mhmm.
10: Crawling around. Mhmm.
0: Maybe it's just frozen. Who knows what what is going out of this?
0: Again, I love the blurry
Travis Wyrmwood: photograph. Yeah. Because this this specific picture back here it was taken from us,
Travis Wyrmwood: In Antarctic expedition, that was not on record, obviously.
Travis Wyrmwood: But always, I'm I'm guard for there with them doing this research, picking up samples of things, But they
Travis Wyrmwood: they do
Travis Wyrmwood: and this is, like it's sad that the US military would, like, possibly have some of these things in captivity where they're, like, testing it. They're, like, possibly even learning from it just, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: using it as, like, maybe, like, could you review, like, review it as, some kind of weapon? You know, you let one of these things loose. You could, like, figure out how to breathe these things. That's a whole other thing too. It's, like, these, like, genetically modified like, organisms Mhmm. For, like, war purposes. Mhmm. Like, taking what this thing already can do and, yeah, maybe just, like, soup in it up. Not only would the US have some it would be it would likely be the, like, the Nazis would have maybe had more. We're definitely
Travis Wyrmwood: like, in the business of creating superhuman soldiers. And a few other, like, large China would probably probably has a few Oh, you gotta believe they're they're trying. I mean Yeah. This
Travis Wyrmwood: and, like, again okay. So with this, like, in Antarctica Mhmm. There's the the evolution of all animals there, the metabolism is so slow Mhmm. And so precise that, like, you can live It's just like you you get what you need to survive in there. It doesn't have to be much down there. You can be a pretty large it's a spider like thing too, spiders don't need to eat much. Mhmm. Add So what you're saying about, like, maybe not eating that often, maybe, like, hibernating or something? You're, like, you're right. But their lifespan could be much different. If we're talk I mean, there's, like, a jellyfish that doesn't die. But there are some creatures that apparently, if it could just, like if it's an answer it's, like, some kind of spider that could, like, shed its skin Yeah. Or, like, shed its thing and, like, it's Just molt. Carapace, whatever it's called. And then, like, yeah. And molt's and just, like, becomes a new like that, getting, like, bigger every time. Constantly evolving. Constantly growing. So just another And then if it, like, doesn't need, it just doesn't need to mold. So it's just
0: is. You know?
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. It just, like, frozen, basically. Just, like, heartbeat by, like, once a fucking
Travis Wyrmwood: day. This goes Okay. So now there's an image of 2 very blurry hard drives. That was said to be recovered from
Travis Wyrmwood: this mission. Right? And then
Travis Wyrmwood: totally unoperable, so the person had
Travis Wyrmwood: tried to let's see if I can get it up here. Open them up
11: and
Travis Wyrmwood: this is apparently a picture of, like, the opened up
Travis Wyrmwood: hard drive. It's just at the circuitry. Right? And then as far as they got was this is just a picture of, like, a computer with a password protected icon. So that's as far as they got. Yeah. So, like, actually, this thread that I was on years ago about it, by the way, years ago, when I first saw some of this stuff,
Travis Wyrmwood: was, like, asking people if they could help like, recover and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. And there were and, like, I think from there,
Travis Wyrmwood: I think this person probably got got or, like, whatever. You know? If any of this Or just or just
0: Just hidden.
0: Mhmm. Completely just, like, thrown into oblivion. They're probably in, like, some sort of psych ward.
0: Mental hospital, just
Travis Wyrmwood: who knows, man? Mhmm. Just to There isn't a ton of As far as, like, Yeah. Yeah. So I would think that it would be rare to see them up, like, on the surface, but Yeah. That's why they that's why there's some of those precautions are there. Right?
Travis Wyrmwood: I do have some just, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: myths from a lot of different cultures that were, like, on that, like, southern southern seas. That would be
Travis Wyrmwood: possibly pointing towards it. There's,
Travis Wyrmwood: the indigenous peoples of Tierra del Fuego they have stories of the walkers of the deep,
Travis Wyrmwood: and this was, beings that moved across the ocean floor on impossibly long legs.
Travis Wyrmwood: This was passed down through generations of people who lived closest to Antarctica basically, along those, like, southern Yeah. South American tip, basically,
Travis Wyrmwood: describe the creature. There's they just striking resemblance to a giant sea spider
11: And,
11: I
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. James, he spotted Emerge they they were, legends of them these things emerging from the mist in the southernmost channels where glacier meet the c
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. There's the, the aboriginal people of Southern Australia maintain traditions about old spirits of the cold southern waters. These creatures that existed since the dream
Travis Wyrmwood: time, walking the seafloor on legs like moving kelp.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yo. Yeah. That's like Dream time. The dream Yeah. Yeah. We're gonna peak at the end here. I mean, Japanese folk folklore speaks of the umubozo, spiritual of the deep ocean that could take various forms.
Travis Wyrmwood: These these specific would be the takash
Travis Wyrmwood: takashi, literally translates to tall legs being said to walk the coldest depths of the ocean.
Travis Wyrmwood: They describe creatures of impossibly long legs moving through the darkness.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. And, again, yeah, because I got Thanks, man. Korean coastal communities maintain budgets of the
Travis Wyrmwood: Guilloboxion or multiple legged walker of the deep.
11: Beings that were said to emerge from the coldest waters.
Travis Wyrmwood: Interwoven with tales of dragons and other mythical creatures, which is just to say, like, a ancient type monsters, basically, that Yeah. Could have possibly existed.
Travis Wyrmwood: Ancient Greek sailors reported. This is,
Travis Wyrmwood: yeah, recorded encounters with the macropoda, the long legged ones in the coldest reaches of the known world.
Travis Wyrmwood: Again, like, this is all the same thing I'm Coldest regions. Like, I know that, like, that strider stuff I just might have gotten nuts for a second, but here we are in, like, in the oldest folklore and, like, religions of all the oldest cult of the always ancient cultures from around the world, especially the ones that were closest to it. Right?
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. Yeah. The coastal people the coastal people of, South of Africa
Travis Wyrmwood: Particularly with communities in the ancient connections that is colder southern waters, maintain traditions about long walkers, being instead that inhabited the coldest currents that moved up from the
3: Yeah.
7: So
Travis Wyrmwood: So there's something. Yeah.
3: There's definitely was at some point time something that people were like, we need Something.
Travis Wyrmwood: And I don't think that they were referring to, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: the regular giant spiders we already had on there. They seem to be more
Travis Wyrmwood: I'm imagining something huge in these cold oceans that's, like,
0: old like, so big they're, like, walking on top of the water. Striders.
11: Striders. They're like, they're really skinny at that point. Mhmm.
Travis Wyrmwood: Or, like yeah. You know? Like,
Travis Wyrmwood: coming up, like, I imagine, like, it probably has to hunt in the water at some point. Right? I'm sure a lot of it's sure some of its underground caverns can lead right out to, like, an ocean, like an underground, like, a ocean they get in and under the ocean cave. Like, those caverns are there probably can, like, have a little
Travis Wyrmwood: could fully survive down there. Mhmm. Right?
7: Oh, definitely.
Travis Wyrmwood: I have even more. I can just save them or not even save them, but just, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: I think that everybody gets the pictures. I literally have stuff from every place I could find that was along those waters. That has a specifically, like, cold temperature, long legs,
11: thing
Travis Wyrmwood: some have, like, reverence for or some were just like but it seems like it was, like,
Travis Wyrmwood: like, what is this? Yeah. So this is basically What do we mean? More like As these, like, starters I talk about because it's, like, so outstanding. Right?
11: Here's what I was just, like, a little bit. I'm I'm sure I'll
0: a little bit of something that, like, since we're talking about it even, it's like
0: it's these myths from, like,
7: ancients. Mhmm.
0: But it's still, like, a myth now.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. People are still reporting, like, this weird thing that's out there. Another one of those 10,000 year old stories. You know? Got it. Or since the Cretaceous times.
Travis Wyrmwood: Possibly. But, like, really and, like yeah. Like, animals from that time didn't haven't changed. Crocodile Alligators or whatever. Like, one of them. Yeah. They were older than Yeah. They've they've always been there.
6: I don't have whale set. Didn't they evolved from wolf?
Travis Wyrmwood: Maybe. Good to whales, probably.
Travis Wyrmwood: All of them, I'm pretty sure. You've seen that evolutionary chart of them, like, coming out of the water with them, like, going back in. But, yeah, there's there's the
Travis Wyrmwood: there's those wolves that hunt only in the sea off, like, the north coast of Canada or something. They're, like, basically going back, and they're gonna like to become new whales in, like, a 1000000 years. Damn. Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: Just keep your eye on so keep your eyes on that.
11: You know? I mean, that's like I mean, whales and, like, dolphin, like, killer like, orcas and, like,
0: dolphins are, like, very
0: dog and wolf like Yeah. Way they Plus they have the
Travis Wyrmwood: even have the little, like, bones where they're like it used to be.
3: Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: Which I have a whole other thing we'll get into some time about how dolphins are aliens. Oh, no. Later on, because this is actually this whole starter bar was actually from an old Red Temple tape.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I I think I covered most of that more gracefully than I did on that, so I'm not even gonna
Travis Wyrmwood: try to show anybody. But if you're really curious, check the oldest check the farthest reaches of the, TikTok.
Travis Wyrmwood: Pumping out radio. Well, with that being said,
Travis Wyrmwood: We'll get a whole sea monster thing going. Yeah. We're gonna I have a lot of fun ideas for episodes that I wanna cover. Definitely some cool sea monster stuff. Mhmm. We can get crazy with that. I have like, that's how much where this was leading.
Travis Wyrmwood: But that's not what I wanted. Yeah. Yeah. I wanna do a whole, like, a path with the philosophy stone Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Kind of stuff because there's some truths to that that in ancient texts I would love to explore. I got a whole list of stuff. Get ready for that throughout the year. We got new cool stuff coming out. Obviously, the year of Bigfoot 2025, so do not forget revisit Bigfoot soon. Yep. Yep. We're gonna get a February episode out. I think
Travis Wyrmwood: This this summer, we're planning a camping trip, and that's like a Bigfoot area. I would love to record an episode while we're out there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We're just, like, parts of it. Yeah. This little bits we can go out there and yeah. We're going into the the deep woods of Colorado. Yeah. And the Rockies. And this one up in the Rockies.
0: A really, like, magical lake. We're going to a lake on top of the Rockies with Fairy fairy portal. There's like Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: Oh, I I remember Like haunted too? When I came back from there originally, I I remember I talked about that witch tree I saw for a while. So there's, like, definitely some
11: Mhmm. Yeah.
11: We'll get into that later. Hear you.
Travis Wyrmwood: This has been a fun little dig into all this stuff. Though. I think it was a little more light than last week's episode. Needed it.
Travis Wyrmwood: Needed it. Needed it. You know? Just gotta shake that off. Nazi magic shit. Yeah. And I'm sure it's gonna come through a little more just to have, like, random bits of research from all that. But it will you know, I wanted to keep on topic as much as possible. That's right. Stuff.
Travis Wyrmwood: Again, yeah, we could revisit this 20 more times, and at some point, we will. You know? But but for now, I think that's been great. I'd love to do a whole thing on, like, ancient maps. We have all kind like, so many maps that, again, depict locations that do are not apparently real, but they're, like, on cross correlated maps. The North Pole wants to. Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: Do it all? It gets us some weird shit. Do it all. We'll get some pictures. I'll we'll we'll do that. Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: That being said, thanks everybody for joining us today. Yeah. Thank you. I hope this is a little bit fun. There's always more if you wanna talk about something us to talk about something else specifically Antarctica. Just email us again. Yeah. Pomminerradio@gmail.com.
3: Yeah. Stories that, like, we didn't
Travis Wyrmwood: didn't touch something, and you know about it? Yeah. There's so many more I saw. I just we only got I wanna be educated on try to keep this somewhere around an hour, at least. You know? Yeah. Yeah. But there's always there's some because we didn't dig into the hallow where it's stuff like it all. And there's the entrance is there really
3: Yeah. You know, I was curious. To Admiral Blo because that's, like, another thing about, like, North Pole too is they're like, an entrance there or an exit or something. Well, so they say something like Admiral bird,
0: went up there too and, like Okay.
13: He he had a We'll do a full bird app.
Travis Wyrmwood: We'll go We'll do a full bird app. Yeah. Birdie. Yeah. Check out our Patreon. We're growing the content there this week. This month's Patreon episode is actually free to everybody.
Travis Wyrmwood: If you're paying, you still got your bonus, alien invasion news off you're still getting stuff every month that's not that's behind the paywall. Don't worry. Your money's well worth it. But don't don't up there if you hear just even more on this kind of stuff.
Travis Wyrmwood: And more, wildness. And also just
Travis Wyrmwood: I don't know. Hey. Pay pay for some of it too. Yeah. You can be you can get it for a dollar if you want for right now.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. For long, it's gonna turn out a 5 way. Can, please.
12: With that being said,
Travis Wyrmwood: check our socials. Check the links everywhere, in the just go to pumpinghillradio.com. It's actually just a redirect to our link tree. It's the easiest way to it, and that's that's looking nice and proper. You can find us there.
Travis Wyrmwood: Gobby. G g? Yeah. Coat star mother. Coat star mother 10% off at 10 at checkout. That's the energy powder that we took before doing the episode. Yeah. We do it most of the time. Usually do. Great.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. It's great. Yeah. It helps us fire through this. You know? Beautiful.
3: He speaks fucking sane, I think. Yeah.
11: Definitely helps. I lose my mind, I think. I think that's basically it. Yeah.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. But, check out the Etsy, pumpinger radio.com or pumpinger radio.etsy.com. You know, it's a that from the linktree. Just a lot of I wrote a book that's on there. We have stickers. We have prints and cool stuff. There.
Travis Wyrmwood: And some cool stuff in the works with some of those short stories. And there's a bunch of truck and cool stuff happening. I'm talking
Travis Wyrmwood: So we're always working. I'm glad that y'all are turning in. I'm hearing I'm seeing, more and I don't try to set this the stats all the time, but I am seeing a lot more listeners lately. So what's up to everybody? A warm welcome to y'all. Welcome to the cult.
Travis Wyrmwood: And, again, let us know what you want us to cover next. But until then, we got wow. We got we got infinite amounts of stuff to do. The crazy thing. Never ends.
Travis Wyrmwood: There's Shit. This is just from one note over on my thing. How many notes I have right here from different things? We have so many million, dude. Yeah. I mean, we got we got stuff to work through. So much going on. That being said, this is Ben Pompano Radio. I'm Travis. That's Dawson.
12: Love you. And, I love you.
6: Good night, all. Bye.
7: Nice.
Travis Wyrmwood: Yeah. That's good. Nice. Hour. Yeah. Good hour.