Pumpkin Hill Radio: Paranormal Mysteries, Conspiracies, and Unexplained Phenomena
Step into the realm of the unexplained every Tuesday with Pumpkin Hill Radio as we don our tinfoil hats to explore the bizarre, the mysterious, and the downright weird corners of our reality. Our journey into High Strangeness covers:
🔍 History's unexplained events and perplexing mysteries
📚 Mythological tales and urban legends
🕵️ Mind-bending conspiracy theories
🦄 Cryptid sightings and folklore
👽 Paranormal phenomena and investigations
🎬 Cult classic paranormal movies
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From ancient enigmas to modern mysteries, we chase the shadows of the unexplained. Whether you're a skeptic, a true believer, or somewhere in between, tune in for a weekly dose of the weird and uncanny.
*tinfoil hat is optional
Pumpkin Hill Radio: Paranormal Mysteries, Conspiracies, and Unexplained Phenomena
Episode 65: Mass Drone Swarms & Vatican Portals - Secret UAP Programs, Holy Relics & Ancient Spells
Uncover the truth behind the massive drone swarms recently captured over New Jersey and across America in this explosive episode of Pumpkin Hill Radio. We analyze stunning UAP footage, explore classified Pentagon drone programs, and investigate the infrastructure needed to operate these mysterious aerial fleets. Then dive deeper as we reveal the Vatican's unprecedented plans to open five ancient portals during Christmas 2024, including the first-ever prison portal in the Jubilee ritual's thousand-year history. From the Pope's powerful staff to legendary artifacts like the Holy Lance and Buddha's tooth, we explore how sacred energy transfers between religious objects and influences modern phenomena. Join us as we connect the dots between government black projects, Vatican secrets, and the unexplained Flannel Man encounters that suggest a deeper connection between ancient powers and modern mysteries.
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drone swarms, mass drone sightings, Pentagon UAP program, military drones, classified drone footage, New Jersey drones, Vatican portals, Jubilee doors, holy relics, Pope Francis, black budget projects, drone fleets, sacred artifacts, Holy Lance, Buddha's tooth, true cross fragments, Flannel Man, religious artifacts, sacred energy transfer, classified programs, government drones, Vatican rituals, holy doors, prison portal, papal staff, supernatural objects, ancient spells, religious magic, UAP evidence, aerial phenomena, secret military programs
#DroneSwarms #MassDroneSightings #PentagonUAP #MilitaryDrones #ClassifiedDrones #NewJerseyDrones #VaticanPortals #JubileeDoors #HolyRelics #PopeFrancis #BlackBudgetProjects #DroneFleets #SacredArtifacts #HolyLance #BuddhaTooth #TrueCross #FlannelMan #ReligiousArtifacts #SacredEnergy #ClassifiedPrograms #GovernmentDrones #VaticanRituals #HolyDoors #PrisonPortal #PapalStaff #SupernaturalObjects #AncientSpells #ReligiousMagic #UAPEvidence #AerialPhenomena #SecretMilitaryPrograms
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